Wednesday 28 May 2008

The World as we now know it is changing. This planet was previously populated by a comparatively small number of humans with a vast range of species of animals and plants.

Systematically people have chosen to destroy species and/or their habitats for timber, space, fur or food. Nature has joined in with the erratic rotation of our home causing some fluctuation of long term weather trends; but in the last few decades mankind seems to be using energy exponentially.

Our weather seems to have more extremes of wind, rain,and occasionally heat. We seem to be losing our glaciers and Polar ice and winter sports are running out of venues.

The trees of the world used to cover most of it but everybody seems to think they have the right to cut down any tree they wish for any reason ranging from I built my house too close to it, I don't like it, I want fuel, the only sure thing is that trees which process greenhouse gases and helped maintain weather patterns are not only being cut down; but cut up and burned to exacerbate our climate change problems.

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